Friday, August 28, 2015

Scientific Method 0824-28

This image is the cycle of the scientific method.
The scientific method always starts with a question. There are many different orders in which it could be. The scientific method is a cycle that helps you figure out the answer to your question but the scientific method is also pretty hard and fun. I think the best part is when you do an experiment because its fun!

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information

This week I communicated with people in my group I was in while we were doing a work sheet. I Obtained more knowledge from class and I learned that I need to look at the back of work sheets and I learned about the scientific method.To learn about the scientific method I did a work sheet and I did a lot of work. I evaluated by learning and I have made mistakes so I learn from my mistakes.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Goals for 2015 - 2016

My goals for this year are to reach the highest rank of  wizard in science class because I want to prove I'm smart. I also want to get smarter in science and all my other classes. I also want to get good grades this year so I can pass.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Goals for 2015 - 2016

 Goals that I have this year and next year are to get better at math and get straight A's. I also hope that I have a good time at school and pay more attention to the teacher when he/she is talking. Another goal is to get better at typing with numbers and get better at spelling. I also wish to learn more about computers and learn more so I can get into a good collage. I also wish that someday I will open a restaurant when I am older and that I will be able to make delicious food for people. I also have a goal to get faster and to to be really good at sports. Another goal is to be healthy and live a good life with my family. I also want to turn my work in on time and without delay.