Sunday, December 20, 2015

Project blog 12/20/15

Summary: This week I learned about a charity called the AWI and I also learned more how to do the charity fair project. What I learned about the AWI is that they want to stop the hurting of animals by using the money given to them. They are trying to stop people from using steel jaw traps and barb wires because they can cause painful damage to animals with fur. What I learned about the charity fair is that we need a trifold, a cost and profit, a company name, and a product to sell. I also learned that food items were most famous in the charity fair because someone selling cake pops got about $72 dollars and my company wasn't selling a food item and we only got about !6 to 18 dollars.

How much of the subject I knew before was that you needed a product cost, profit, and poster. That's what we needed last year and I guess that they changed it a little to make it harder so we can learn more. This year they wanted us to do cost, profit, carbon footprint, trifold poster, company name, and product. This year was pretty different from last year but they were also kind of the same.

What I thought was satisfying about this project was the product because out of everything the frogs were the most popular because that's where most of our profit came from. One other thing that was satisfying was that when we were making the trifold because it looked awesome when we were done.

If I could give my product a grade it would be an A because it was colorful and it had the cost and profit on it. I would also give it an A because it had the carbon footprint as well and it also had pictures of the products so people can see what they look like on the trifold and on the table. One more reason I would give it an A because it had everything that was required but that's just my opinion.

One other thing I would like to improve on is to be better at listening because sometimes when I don't listen I'm confused on future work. I want to listen more to get good grades in school so I can then move on to the next grade. I want to do this so I'm not left behind and heldback even more.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Weekly blog 12/13/15

Summary: This week we were working on our carbon footprint for the charity fair and we worked on our cost a bit too. 2 of our resources are the same but I'm pretty sure the rest has a  different total of CO2 but the 2 resources total of  CO2 is 7,418,510. We are doing two things for the charity fair and those two things are origami and rice crispies. The two resources that are the same is the paper that we're using to make the origami and the ones that are different are the rice crispies. The two resources that are the same are made in Vietnam and Vietnam from San Jose is 12,262 km.

SP5: Using mathematics and computational thinking
In science, mathematics and computation are fundamental tools for representing physical variables and their relationships. They are used for a range of tasks such as constructing simulations; statistically analyzing data; and recognizing, expressing, and applying quantitative relationships. Mathematical and computational approaches enable prediction of the behavior of physical systems along with the testing of such predictions. Moreover, statistical techniques are also invaluable for identifying significant patterns and establishing correlational relationships. 

Did you perform any math calculations?

We made math calculations in the carbon footprint because we had to add distance from origin, Quantity needed for 1000 kilograms of product (kg), and g of CO2 generated by likely mode of transport. When you add these 3 things you get the total number of CO2.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Weekly blog 12/6/2015

Summary: This week we were learning about soil and we are in groups working on a google doc that we have to finish. We need to answer questions such as what is soil, what is the composition of soil, what are the different types of soil, etc. For the first question "What is soil" soil is our most important resource because it can help us support buildings, it helps us make food, and since it is under us everyday we can't notice how important it is. The last question is "What are the different types of soil?". The different types of soil is Tundra soils, Northern forest soils, Prairie soils, Mountain soils, Southern forest soils, Desert soils, and Tropical soils.

SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence
In science, reasoning and argument are essential for clarifying strengths and weaknesses of a line of evidence and for identifying the best explanation for a natural phenomenon. Scientists must defend their explanations, formulate evidence based on a solid foundation of data, examine their understanding in light of the evidence and comments by others, and collaborate with peers in searching for the best explanation for the phenomena being investigated.

Did you participate in a class discussion providing evidence for your answers, and/or used the ACE strategy in your work?

We watched a video about soil and about how important it is. Then we discussed a little bit what we were going to do. Our teacher also said that we could watch the video again and I gained some good information. Another way I gained information is by reading one of the text books.