Friday, January 29, 2016


 China shouldn't build anymore dams because they have consequences and the more dams there are the more consequences there are. If China builds more dams then it will also cost more money to build it and to fix some of the consequences it has. Having electricity is good but having consequences is bad. There are lot's of reasons why China shouldn't build a dam and there are also a lot of reasons why China should build a dam but maybe the consequences are worse than how good the benefits are.

 One reason why China shouldn't build a dam is because Historical and archeological sites can be lost to the world. A historical site that was lost to the world when the first dam was built was the "Dragon bone cave" that contained fossilized human remains about 2 million years old and they were found inside the dragon bone cave. But since the dam was built it is no longer accessable and the artifacts are lost forever.

 Another reason why China shouldn't build more dams is because if there is more dams the more area it will take up and if area is taken up where people live then people with have to move to a different place. If more people move then the amount of people in China will eventually shrink and there will be more people in other places. If these places overflow then there will be some people who won't even be able to buy homes. If we build more dams more people will have to move to a different place with little money and then they won't be able to move anywhere because of little money.

 One more reason why China shouldn't build any more dams because since the first one was built landslides have increased by 70% and if we build more then it will get more likely for a landslide to occur. Then soon landslides will end being common in China and a lot people's lives will be at risk. Then soon there might be damage to houses or other buildings and it will cost a lot of money to repair everything, If there are more dams then there are also more landslides that can occur.

In conclusion China shouldn't build any more dams for 3 reasons and they are the one's above. If we build more dams then we might lose historical sites, people might have to leave with little money, and landslides will be more likely to occur in China.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Weekly blog 1/17/16

Summary: Something that I learned this week was that a meander is a bend in a river and there can be more than one meander in a river. I also learned that the source is where the river begins and a tributary is where a small stream or river joins the main river. Another thing is that a v shaped valley is made by erosion and it's different from a u shaped valley. One other thing I learned is that deposition is when sediment adds on to something such as an alluvial fan. One last thing that I learned was that an Ox bow lake is a part of the river that's separate from the main one.

SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence
In science, reasoning and argument are essential for clarifying strengths and weaknesses of a line of evidence and for identifying the best explanation for a natural phenomenon. Scientists must defend their explanations, formulate evidence based on a solid foundation of data, examine their understanding in light of the evidence and comments by others, and collaborate with peers in searching for the best explanation for the phenomena being investigated.

Did you participate in a class discussion providing evidence for your answers, and/or used the ACE strategy in your work?

Yes we discussed things about rivers and things that can be found in or around a river.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Dirt and Soil Project Blog

Erosion is the breaking down of something such as when you see small pebbles they used to be part of a big rock but it takes lots of time for things to erode. Things can erode by water going against something for a long time. But erosion can't do it all by itself because who's moving all the pieces of rocks, dirt, etc. It's called weathering and weathering is when the pieces of rocks and dirt are moved away. Weathering can happen by Wind and water. The difference between these two is that erosion breaks things apart and weathering moves things away. They are different but they work together because when something is being eroded away small pieces will likely fall off so weathering comes in and moves them away.

A way I think I need to improve is to memorize what to say during IGNITE slides and to make sure that I have everything on the slide that i need. Another way I need to improve on is to work on projects more at home and not just school so that I can finish early and have time to memorize my script. One last I need to improve on is to talk to my team mates more so we can plan ahead and have a plan of who does what.

Parts that I like about this project were that we didn't have to keep clicking the computer to make that slide transition. One thing I disliked about this project was that we couldn't quite find how long the erosion took so I got stressed. But over all everything else was good because I didn't see anything as that frustrating.

If I were a teacher a comment I would give it is that it is close to great but not quite/because my group was looking at scripts and were a bit off with the slides. Another comment is that the slides and pictures were good. One more comment I would give the project is that I could see that my group worked hard on it and tried our best.

A goal I would like to set for myself next time is that I should be more collaborative with my team so we can do better. This is because I think that if you don't have teamwork everyone with just do their own thing and it will be confusing. I think that if I collaborate with my team then we can all say who does what.