Sunday, October 29, 2017

Weekly blog 10/29/17

Image: Image result for peppered moths

Summary: This week I learned about peppered moths, their different colors, how they can survive, and how their population decreased. I learned that peppered moths can come in different colors such as the normal color which is white with black spots or just a dark colors. The peppered moths live in trees with a type of fungi in them and depending on the color of the trees the moths can survive or get eaten by predators. If the tree is a light color then the light colored moth would be able to survive better than the dark colored moth. But if the tree becomes a darker shade then the dark colored moth would be able to survive better. Peppered moths can also survive in the winter because their larvae turn into pupae during the winter so that they stay warm. I've learned that the peppered moths are a form of natural selection because nature can choose whether or not they're a dark colored moth or light colored moth depending on their environment or depending on whether or not it'll help the moths survive.

SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data
Scientific investigations produce data that must be analyzed in order to derive meaning.

Did you create a graph, table, drawing, etc. of the data you obtained in an experiment?

Yes in class we played a game where you were a bird and you chose an area where you had to eat as many moths as you could within the time limit. On a google doc though there was data already recorded but you needed to put all that information in a graph. There was 2 sets of data. One for the light forest and one for the dark forest. When you put them in the graphs you had to answer questions while looking at the graph.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Weekly blog 10/20/17

Image: Image result for natural selection

Summary: This week we learned about natural selection and we did an experiment. I understand natural selection more clearly now that we did an experiment about it. Natural selection is when nature selects traits that will help a population of animals survive from predators or the environment. An example is if a species is living in the desert and a trait that they get from natural selection is less fur so that the species doesn't get overheated. I also learned that through natural selection a lot of species of animals and insects are able to survive.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations
A major practice of scientists is planning and carrying out systematic investigations that require clarifying what counts as data and in experiments identifying variables.

Did you plan and carry out an investigation?

(Mostly when we do a investigation, lab, or experiment)

Yes we did an experiment about natural selection that included spoons, knifes, and forks. The spoons, knifes, and forks represented species of animals. There was also seeds and buttons that represented a food source for the species of animals. The experiment was that 1 person would be a spoon, a knife, or a fork. At the same time everyone would try to get as much 'food'as they possibly could with their 'species'. This experiment helped me understand natural selection by showing how certain traits in species help them get food. Such as the spoon and fork getting the most food because they both have traits to help them pick up more food. The knife however became extinct since it doesn't have a trait that helps it pick up food. This is like how lions have sharp teeth and claws to hunt down prey but giraffes have long necks to get leaves from high trees for food.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Weekly blog 10/15/17

Image: Image result for gene flow
Image link:

Summary: This week I learned about gene flow, genetic mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift. I researched gene flow while my team mates researched the the other subjects. Gene flow is when one species moves to a different species when neither of the species have interacted before. Genetic mutation is when someone's DNA changes permanently and it's totally random. The mutation can either be useful or not to survival. Natural selection is when the more common genetic trait is shown such as if a brown beetle were to reproduce with another brown beetle then their children would be brown beetles. Lastly genetic drift is when some genes of an organism is missing and the organism doesn't have that gene. An example is if someone is double jointed and their child isn't double jointed.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations
A major practice of scientists is planning and carrying out systematic investigations that require clarifying what counts as data and in experiments identifying variables.

Did you plan and carry out an investigation?

(Mostly when we do a investigation, lab, or experiment)

Yes we did 2 experiments in class, one was about genetic drift and the other was genetic mutation. The experiments included using M&M's and tic tacs.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Project blog geologic time 10/7/17

Image: Image result for geologic time scale

Summary: The project that we did was based on the following eras, the Precambrian era, the Paleozoic era, the Mesozoic era, and the Cenozoic era. The Precambrian era was the beginning of the earth and it looked like it was the apocalypse. The Paleozoic had the 2 snowball earths which covered the earth in ice. The Mesozoic era was the era of dinosaurs and the start of flowers. Lastly the Cenozoic era was the start of humans which then leads us the modern age. The era I studied though was the Mesozoic era which also had some extinctions. These extinctions happened during the Jurassic period one of which affected 80% of marine bivalve species. The second affected many creatures but 2 species didn't make it to the Cretaceous period.

Backward-Looking: How much did you know about the subject before you started?
I didn't really know anything about the subject except that it was about the dinosaurs and how they became extinct. I even thought that the only thing it was about was the dinosaurs. I also didn't know that they had periods for each era or that it during this time it had 4 eras. I didn't even know that archeologists used certain tools to find how old bones are based on the rocks. The only other thing that I knew though was that it was the beginning of the earth and life on earth.

Inward-Looking: What did/do find frustrating about it?
What I found frustrating during the project process was that the title was a bit messy but I got over it quickly. What I also saw frustrating was that my teammates had weren't working the whole time so we had to meet up to work on the project. We also painted on small mini earths but one of my teammates glued the earth onto the tri fold. The earth was dry but the team mate doing that earth painted it again so we had a bit of trouble dealing with a wet earth on the tri fold. What I still find frustrating is that there was a mess up on one of the era names so we needed to use white out. I still find it frustrating because it bothers me that it looks different with the white out.

Outward-Looking: What grade would you give it?Why?
For organization I would give the project a B+, for information I would give the project an A, and for creativity I would give it an A. I would give organization a B+ because some text from one era and another era would look like they're a connecting sentence. Then I would give information an A because the information is good and it has pictures that relates to the information. Lastly I would give creativity an A because we used arrows and we also put mini earths on our tri fold. Another reason is because we were one of the only ones that used a tri fold.

Forward-Looking: What would you change in the next revision of this piece?
A few things that I would change in the next revision of this piece is the title, the way that the text is kind of slanted in the Mesozoic era, and fix the paint stains on the paper. I would want to fix the title because it looks a bit messy and the top is kind of ripped. I would also want to fix the text because since it's slanted it's leaning toward the era on it's left. Lastly I would want to get rid of the paint stains because the paint stains are noticeable even though we put white paint over it. The paper on the tri fold is also a bit crinkled. I'd want to make sure that the paper isn't crinkled in the next revision as well.