Sunday, October 25, 2015

Project blog 10/25/15

Image result for mount denali
Summary: The project we did in class was in the plate tectonics unit and we had to pick a mountain. My group picked Mt. Denali/Mt. McKinley and we had to put Type of land form, Type of boundary, What it is,  Where it is,  etc. We also had to present an ignite presentation and an ignite presentation is  when every slide transitions after 15 seconds. I don't think we did a very good job presenting because when we presented I don't think we were loud or we weren't talking when the slides transitioned. I don't think I'm very good at presenting because I get too nervous and I don't like everyone looking at me.

One way I think I need to improve is to work on my public speaking and be more prepared for the next project. Another way I can improve is by working on it when I'm at home and not be distracted. I hope I can work on this and be better at presenting.

What I found frustrating is when we had to put type of boundary. This made me frustrated because it was stressful and I didn't like all the stress. One more thing that I found frustrating is that when we had to present because we didn't really practice it and since we thought we weren't suppose to use a printed script we didn't have anything to read off of.

When people look at my group's project I think that they think that it's bad and that the presentation wasn't very good. Or they could think that it was pretty good but some parts needed improving and or fixing. I also think that they might think it was bad and awkward or just awkward.

If I could do this project again I would look over the details more and publish it. I would also make sure that I did everything it that it was set up. One more thing that I would do is that I would pay more attention in class so I would know these things.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Weekly blog 10/18/15

Summary: this week me and my group worked on our diorama of Mt. McKinley. We also kind of worked on our ignite presentation and we still need to a little bit. Mt. McKinley is also one of the highest mountains and the plates that are involved are the pacific plate, North American plate, and the Alaska plate. We found a map of where the pacific and North American plate are but couldn't find one with the Alaska plate. This mountain was called Mt. Denali but is now called Mt. McKinley.

SP2: Developing and using models

Science often involves the construction and use of models and simulations to help develop explanations about natural phenomena. Models make it possible to go beyond things you observe and simulate a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form “if…then… therefore” to be made in order to test hypothetical explanations.

Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?

This week we built a model of Mt.Mckinley and we used tape, paper, cardboard, light green marker, a pencil, and a green marker.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Weekly blog 10/11/15

Summary: This week we did a worksheet and then the next day we had to do a mountain project. The project is that we have to make an ignite presentation and since my group chose the same mountain as someone Mrs.Garcia said she will give us an awesome mountain. Since we chose the same mountain as someone we didn't really get any information on anything. Also an ignite presentation is when you have an amount of time and you just roll with the presentation. There are a lot of mountains and I think that any mountain is fine as long as we can look up information on it.

SP2: Developing and using models

Science often involves the construction and use of models and simulations to help develop explanations about natural phenomena. Models make it possible to go beyond things you observe and simulate a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form “if…then… therefore” to be made in order to test hypothetical explanations.

Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?

We will create a model in the project as well as an ignite presentation.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Weekly blog 10/4/15

Summary: This week we learned about volcano's and different types of volcano's. A type of volcano is called a shield volcano and it looks like a a shield instead of a normal volcano. Some volcano's are dormant witch means that those volcano's don't spew magma out of the tops. Volcano's are a constructive force because even though lava is dangerous the volcano can become dormant and make new land. When a volcano gets created it can also make new land when it becomes dormant. A destructive force is when something like a flood destroys something and doesn't make something. Example: A flood comes and destroys land but a volcano comes and makes more land.

SP2: Developing and using models

Science often involves the construction and use of models and simulations to help develop explanations about natural phenomena. Models make it possible to go beyond things you observe and simulate a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form “if…then… therefore” to be made in order to test hypothetical explanations.

Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?

Yes in class we made a model volcano, a map, and another model made of grahm crackers, fruit roll ups, and frosting.