Saturday, October 1, 2016

Weekly blog 9/30/16

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Summary: This week I learned about CHONPS which is carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. I also learned about Carbohydrates which has a monomer called monosaccharide and an example of carbohydrates is starch like potatoes or corn. I also learned about Lipids which has the monomer called fatty acid and an example of Lipids is fats like a candle. Then there's proteins with monomer called animo acids and an example of proteins is meats like beef or lamb but beans also count. Then Nucliec acids has the monomer called nucleotides and an example of Nucliec acids is DNA and RNA.

SP2: Developing and using models
Models make it possible to go beyond things you observe and simulate a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form “if…then… therefore” to be made in order to test hypothetical explanations.

Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?

I sketched a picture of Charbohydrates, proteins, Lipids, and Nucliec acids.

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