Friday, January 27, 2017

Weekly blog 1/27/17

Image: Image result for origin genetics

Summary: This week we needed to write a story about our superhero's origin. I learned about how people combine DNA of animals by adding and maybe even shooting a metal pellet at an animal. There are many more but for my superhero I added letters into the letter code of the animal. My superheros original letter code was FF but then it changed into FFHW because if my superhero was originally a fox and human and weasel DNA got into my superhero that's what the code would be (FFHW). Then as for the metal pellet that's how the DNA got into my superhero. Scientists put weasel DNA on a metal pellet and the metal pellet would penetrate my superhero which makes the weasel DNA rub off into the DNA strands of my superhero. 

SP1: Asking questions and defining problems
A basic practice of the scientist is the ability to formulate empirically answerable questions about phenomena to establish what is already known, and to determine what questions have yet to be satisfactorily answered.

Did you ask a scientific question?

Yes because when we had to create our origin story for our superheros there were requirements so I had to wonder or ask myself how and what would happen to my superhero and what process would it take for them to become a superhero. Such as adding into the letter code and penetrating an animals skin to combine DNA.

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