Sunday, February 19, 2017

Weekly blog 2/19/17


Image link:

Summary: This week we did a worksheet on consumers, decomposers, and scavengers. There are also producers like plants which provide oxygen. We had a substitute and we did the worksheet. On the worksheet we had to catagorize animals and plants into consumers and producers. Some consumers are omnivores, herbivores, and carnivores. Then decomposers like bacteria and fungi decompose dead things which makes the soil fertile. Lastly scavengers are similar to decomposers but they're animals or organisms that eat other dead organisms. Some examples are vultures and hyenas. We also learned about Abiotic and Biotic factors in an environment. Abiotic is a nonliving organism and Biotic is a living organism. Some examples of Biotic are plants and animals. Then some Abiotic examples are water, the sun, and dirt.

SP4: Analyzing and interpreting data
Scientific investigations produce data that must be analyzed in order to derive meaning.

Did you create a graph, table, drawing, etc. of the data you obtained in an experiment?

We created a graph and went outside. When we went outside we labeled things that we saw outside into Biotic and Abiotic.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Project blog 2/12/17

Image: Image result for fennec fox

Image link:

Summary: This week we presented our super hero projects where we chose 1, 2 or 3 animals into a superhero and create them. Mine was a fennec fox and a weasel. I learned about other peoples superheroes and powers. I also learned that if you eat unhealthy then you can get cancer. In our superhero projects we had to do epigenetics and what our super hero child would be like. I learned that if the mom was unhealthy during pregnancy then the baby would be unhealthy. Also if the child has a high stress job then they could be at risk for maybe depression. I also learned about some animals that people used for their superheroes like the platypus with the power of poison.

Backwards - looking:
On the subject I didn't know much about the animals that I had to choose for my superhero. I also didn't know about punned squares or epigenetics. The only thing I pretty much knew was when we had to improve the villain I already knew some of the body systems, their functions, and what organs were in the system.

Inward - looking:
What I found frustrating about this project was that we had to draw a lot and I'm not very good at drawing. I found everything else fine though because I'm better at filling things in than drawing things. It's also because I didn't really dislike anything about the project.

Outward - looking:
The first grade I would give is an A, then a B+, and lastly a B. I would give it an A because the information on the super villain organs in my opinion was good. Then I would give it a B+ because I think that the epigenetics was good but not very good. Lastly I would give it a B because my drawings looked good but they were also pretty bad in my opinion.

Forward - looking:
I'd like to improve on my drawings and to put more detail on my sentences. I want to improve my drawing because if we do another drawing project then I want it to be better. Then lastly I want to put more detail into my sentences because then they'll be more descriptive.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Weekly blog 2/3/17

Image: Image result for skeletal left and right arm

Summary: This week I learned that about your leg bones, arm bones, the kidneys, and the lungs. Your leg bones help you stand and if you didn't have them you wouldn't be able to stand. Some bones in your legs are the tibia, the fibula, patella, and femur. Then your arms help you grab things and block things. Some parts of your arm are called the radius, humerus, and the ulna. Then your kidneys take away waste from your blood and then it turns into urine and goes into the bladder. Some things connected to the kidney is the bladder, the bladder neck, and the ureter. Lastly the lungs which help you breath by separating oxygen from carbon dioxide. The lungs help you breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide. Some things related to the lungs is the diaphragm, trachea, bronchi, alveoli, and bronchioles.

SP2: Developing and using models
Models make it possible to go beyond things you observe and simulate a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form “if…then… therefore” to be made in order to test hypothetical explanations.

Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?

Yes I drew a picture of the lungs, kidneys, arm bones, and leg bones and I drew an improved/nefarious version of each for my super villain.