Sunday, April 9, 2017

Weekly blog 4/9/17

Image: Image result for subscript definition

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Summary: This week I learned about subscripts and what would happen if there was parentheses in an atomic symbol. A subscript is the number of molecules inside of an element. However if there's something like this: O(HeC3)4 then the He would be 1 multiplied by 4 and the C would be 3 multiplied by 4. The O would just be one. In total the symbol would have 17 molecules. I also learned that if there was a number in front of the symbol then it's multiplied by each individual element. An example is 2PhO3C4 and the Ph would be 1 multiplied by 2, the O would be 3 multiplied by 2, and the C would be 4 multiplied by 2. Then the total molecules in the symbol would be 16. You can also do a symbol with the number in front and with parentheses.

SP5: Using mathematics and computational thinking
Mathematical and computational approaches enable prediction of the behavior of physical systems along with the testing of such predictions.

Did you perform any math calculations?
Answer: Yes I perform math calculations because you need to add all of the subscripts together or multiply. It was also kind of like doing distributive property when you multiply with the parentheses.

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