Sunday, December 3, 2017

Weekly blog 12/3/17

Image: Image result for manufacturer to retailer

Summary: This week I learned what a carbon footprint is and how retailers get their products. A carbon footprint is when a certain amount of greenhouse gases is released into the air by a specific thing. Some examples of things that would release greenhouse gases are cars, planes, and a train. Retailers and manufacturers use these modes of transportation to get their products and deliver their products. Depending on how long the distance is a certain mode of transportation would be used. An example is if the manufacturers and retailers are in different continents then the manufacturers would use a plane to send the products over to the retailers.

SP5: Using mathematics and computational thinking
Mathematical and computational approaches enable prediction of the behavior of physical systems along with the testing of such predictions.

Did you perform any math calculations?
Yes we preformed math equations to find the amount of CO2 gases that was released based on a certain amount of miles a vehicle traveled. To find the CO2 gases lets say for 11.8 miles I would do 11.8 by .41 to get the amount of CO2 gases released in the air by a vehicle.

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