Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Music WAC

Why you should or shouldn't listen to music while studying

     Should people listen to music while studying? Would it benefit them or would it distract them? The issue is if people should listen to music while studying. Depending on what music you listen to you can have a better mood, but if you listen to music while trying to memorize something the notes in a song can mess you up. Also listening to music whether you like the song or not can still have a negative impact on your studying. However I think that people should listen to music while studying since it still has its many benefits. Also because I think that when people listen to music they're quiet which could benefit those who don't listen to music.

       A site called "3 reasons you should try studying while listening to music" says other ways on why you should listen to music while studying. One of those reasons is that while listening to classical music it can improve your memorization. Evidence from the site is "While listening to Mozart won't make you an instant genius, there is evidence that listening to any music that is personally enjoyable be it Mozart or Madonna can aid memory performance and concentration while studying". The site also talks about how listening to music while studying can also relieve stress. The site states "Both classical music and 'self elected' relaxing music in other words, any style that an individual considers personally soothing have been shown to quickly calm the body and elicit more positive emotional states". The site also supports the reason that your mood improves while listening to music while studying. The text says "A stimulating song or two can boost your drive to tackle the drudgery that awaits. How? Music engages the body’s autonomic nervous system—which in basic terms means that at some level, music can control our physiological functions and emotions."

      But other than the 3 reasons mentioned there's a few more. A site called "5 reasons why you should listen to music while doing homework" says the same reasons as the 3 reasons site but it also says a few different reasons. Such as helping you focus while doing homework or studying, and it also helps with creativity like brainstorming. Text from the site says "According to a study done at Johns Hopkins University, playing background music for creativity and reflection activities such as journaling, writing, problem-solving, goal-setting, project work or brainstorming is a great thing". One more different reason that's stated in the site is that listening to music helps you use parts of your brain that you normally don't use. Depending on what music you're listening to different parts of your brain can activate. Evidence from the site says "At Mcgrill University in Montreal, neuroscientist Anne Blood, said, 'You can activate different parts of the brain, depending on what music you listen to'".

     The opposing argument however says that listening to music is a distraction. The argument suggests that people shouldn't listen to music while studying because it won't help with memorization and it distracts the person who's listening to music. A source called "Do or Don't: Studying while listening to music", that says information on studying with and without music. It also has information that says that music disrupts memorization while studying. The site says " 'Listening to music may diminish your cognitive abilities in these situations because when you’re trying to memorize things in order, you can get thrown off and confused by the various words and notes in the song playing in the background', Perham theorized." But the site with 3 reasons says that something called the mozart effect can help with memorization and learning. Evidence from the site is "Perhaps you’ve heard of what has popularly been coined the Mozart Effect—the idea that listening to Mozart or other classical music enhances mental function. This has been the subject of heavy debate, and the research surrounding it has been seriously misinterpreted in some cases." 

     In conclusion listening to music while studying can help with memorization, lift your mood, and relieve stress. Music can help with memorization through the Mozart effect which happens when you're listening to classical music or any music that you enjoy while studying. Music can also help lift your mood and relieve stress depending on what music you're listening to. Lastly if you listen to music that can get you hyped up then it can lift your mood. Then if you listen to relaxing music or music that you find relaxing while studying then you can have less stress. If you listen to music while studying it can also help you use different parts of your brain depending on what kind of music you're listening to.


Friday, February 16, 2018

Project blog 2/18/18


Summary: This week we did a project that wanted us to create a roller coaster. The roller coaster had to be safe and it had to work at least 2 out of 3 times. This helped us review what we've been learning for the past few weeks. Some of which are acceleration, newton's laws, different types of forces, distance, velocity, etc. This project also helped me understand how things speed up and slow down a bit better. I learned that when a marble goes over a bump it doesn't just make the marble slow down, it also makes the marble speed up. Another thing I learned was that friction is included in forces and in physics. Friction is when an object slows down because of something it goes against. An example of friction is when a car is moving and when the car slows down the wheels rub against the floor to slow down along with using the breaks.

Backward-Looking: How much did you know about the subject before we started?
I didn't know that much about physics before we started researching and then we started the project. Before we started researching though I only knew about gravity and how it was included in physics. But when we started to research I didn't know that there was so many subjects that were in physics. I also didn't know that newton had 3 laws or that physics had it's own amount of force (joules). When we started to build though, I knew the basic information of physics. But then I forgot some of the stuff that we started to research in the beginning.

Inward-Looking: What did/do you find frustrating about it?
What I found frustrating about this project is that when our design wouldn't work we had to think of something else to do and it didn't look very exciting. I also found it frustrating that when one of my teammates had an idea and when we knew it wouldn't work, they still tried. We were also running out of time though to finish the project. This also didn't give us time to decorate the roller coaster which is also frustrating. One last thing that I found frustrating is that when we were already done with the roller coaster some of my teammates kept testing it when we still had to answer some questions on a paper.

Outward-Looking: In what ways did your work meet the standards for this assignment? In what ways did it not meet those standards?
A few ways that our work met the standards for the assignment is that, it was finished, it had a loop, it works, and it's safe. But it didn't meet the standards in decorating since it didn't have any decorations and it didn't have any color on it. Our roller coaster also didn't have a noticeable theme, while other coasters did. But ours worked most of the time and it was safe. Our roller coaster also was sturdy and it was 1 meter, it also didn't go above 1 meter.

Forward-Looking: What would you change if you had a chance to do this piece over again?
If I had a chance to do this project again I would change the sketch to be more reasonable, I would plan out the materials beforehand, and plan out what we were going to do in the project. I would make the sketch more reasonable by thinking about what would actually be possible to create with the materials that we have at hind. I would also plan out what materials to use beforehand by thinking about what could be used in the design and if it would make sense to use it. Lastly I would plan out what we were going to do on certain days and when we would finish a part of the project. This way everything is organized and everything isn’t all over the place.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Weekly blog 2/11/18


Summary: This week I learned more about how speed works in a roller coaster. If the starting point of the marble is higher then the speed increases. I also learned that if the marble doesn’t go fast enough then, on a loop the marble stops or falls off of the coaster. Newton’s laws also apply to the roller coaster in a way because the marble wouldn’t move if there wasn’t enough force to keep it moving, the first law. When the marble is let go and it starts moving it’s the action while the reaction is when the marble puts strain on the coaster.

SP5: Mathematics and computational thinking
Mathematical and computational approaches enable prediction of the behavior of physical systems along with the testing of such predictions.

Did you perform any math calculations?

Yes we needed to calculate how much our materials would cost and what we would have left.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Weekly blog 2/4/18

Image: Image result for newton's 3 laws

Summary: This week we learned about Newton's 3 laws. The first law is the law of inertia which means that an object that isn't moving stays unmoving and an object that's moving keeps moving. Unless the object is acted on by an unbalanced force then the object will start to move or the object will stop moving. Newton's 2nd law is Force, force is acceleration multiplied by mass. The 2nd law explains how the first law works. The 2nd law also has something called a net force with it. A net force can be when an object is being acted upon 2 forces and the 2 forces are equal (both in opposite directions). A net force can also be when 2 forces in opposite direction are acting on an object but one of them is larger than the other. The last type of net force is when the 2 forces are going in the same direction and they're acting upon an object. Lastly Newton's 3rd and last law is action and reaction. An example is if you're throwing a ball, you throwing the ball is the action and when the ball bounces or rolls on the ground that's the reaction.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations
A major practice of scientists is planning and carrying out systematic investigations that require clarifying what counts as data and in experiments identifying variables.

Did you plan and carry out an investigation?

(Mostly when we do a investigation, lab, or experiment)

Yes this week we did multiple labs and experiments. We did 3 labs and each lab was one of the 3 of Newton's laws. Then we had to say how the law was in the experiment/lab.