Saturday, April 21, 2018

Weekly blog 4/22/18


Summary: This week I learned about stars, how stars are created, and what the phases of the moon are. Stars are created by a process called nuclear fusion which has two hydrogen atoms come together to create a helium atom. This process leads to a star burning its energy until it has none left. When it runs out of energy the star becomes a white giant where nuclear fusion is no longer possible. I also learned that when you measure a stars brightness it’s called magnitude. When a star has low magnitude that means it’s brightness is high and when the magnitude is high that means the brightness is low.

SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions
The goal of science is the construction of theories that provide explanations about the natural world.  explanatory power.

Did you explain something through your work?

(This may be when you researched something)

This week we had to research how stars are created, the definition of a type of star, and phases of the moon. On a document we needed to answer questions about stars. We also had to explain how some processes worked for stars.

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