Sunday, May 20, 2018

Weekly blog 5/20/18


Summary: This week we started a project where we need to make a lesson plan to teach the class. Me and my partner did how elements react with each other (chemistry). Something I learned while researching is that some elements don’t have a strong reaction with each other like adding water to a metal. But if you make the metal hotter and add water then the reaction would be much stronger. This can be called a chemical reaction (two elements reacting to each other and forming a new substance). When adding water to hot magnesium you can create magnesium oxide and hydrogen gas.

SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions
The goal of science is the construction of theories that provide explanations about the natural world.  explanatory power.

Did you explain something through your work?

(This may be when you researched something)

Yes we researched how 2 different elements can react to each other. This proves that when you combine 2 elements, you can get even a small reaction.

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