There are 4 layers of the atmosphere." The atmosphere is made up of many gases that act as a protective shield for the Earth and allows life to exist".
The atmosphere consists of 4 layers, held around planet by the force of gravity.
Troposphere: " As you move down through the layers, atmospheric pressure increases rapidly. The Troposphere is the layer closest to the Earth".
" Weather occurs only in the troposphere because it is this layer that contains most of the water vapor".
Stratosphere: " The stratosphere is the second layer. It is here that we find the ozone layer. The ozone layer absorbs much of the Sun's radiation",
Mesosphere: " Beyond the stratosphere the air is very thin and cold. This area is known as the mesosphere".
" The thermosphere is the fourth layer in the atmosphere. Space shuttles fly in this area".
" Part of the thermosphere. It reflects radio waves to distant places on Earth".
" Part of the thermosphere where the atmosphere merges into space".
This week I needed to write down stuff about the layers of the atmosphere and I didn't have that much time. So I copied it off of someone elses because they let me. I also thought that I would fail but I kept trying.
What was satisfying about my work this week is that I wrote everything I needed and the stuff I wrote was really important. I also think that what I copied off of the screen was also very important. I also think that the work I did was very good because I think that my writing got better.
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