Thursday, March 5, 2015

Weekly blog 3/4/15

Image result for spessartite

What surprised me this week was that in both computer science and science we are using a new website called jilster. Jilster is a website were you can make magazines and upload pictures to use in the magazine. This surprised me because we don't usually use websites in these classes.

This week I made a magazine that is about a garnet called Spessartine or Spessartite. I need to put its Description, physical features,(colors), (luster), (density), (chemical composition), (hardness), (conductivity), (streak), (cleavage/fracture), and (mineral structure).More things we need to do is What varieties of this pet exist?, Where is it abundantly found?, By what means do you aquire it?, How is your pet formed?, What are the uses for your pet?,sharenteresting or unique features of the mineral?.

I think I need to improve by making sure I concentrate on doing my work and not talking to others and not write to much. I also want to make sure that I don't go to websites that are not things that I am supposed to do. One more thing I need to improve upon is to not pay attiention to more than one thing for a long time so I can get my work done.

What was most satisfying about my work this week is that I was doing my best for the Jilster magazine. I also like that I am doing my best with the rest of my work during the rest of the week and that I tried doing my my work the whole week. I am also satisfyed that I am trying my best and I don't have an F on any assignments.

If I were a teacher I a comment I would give myself is that I would need to make sure I get my work done more quickly because I didn't do that much of my Jilster magazine. Another comment I would give myself is that I need to work on my focus because I don't really pay atteintion that much.

Something that I might want more help on is to pay more atteintion in class and when people are speaking to me. I want to improve on these 2 things because I don't want low grades because I am not paying atteintion and I don't people thinking I am ignoring them on purpose. One more thing I would like to improve upon is to focus on everything and not just one thing so I can do all my work and not just one small part of it.

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