Friday, September 11, 2015

Project Blog 09/07-09/11

Summary: This week we did a project that was called "The Scientific Method comic". We had to make a comic that was about the Scientific method and we had to make a title. My title was "James and the Scientific Method". I made the story on someone that wanted to know the answer to "Does the amount of sleep effect someone?". I answered the question by having that person go through the Scientific Method and my answer was yes it does.

Backward-looking: Something similar that I did last year was a water cycle comic and it was about the water cycle. I made the project about a little water droplet and the water droplet went through the water cycle. The Scientific method comic was harder because I couldn't draw stick figures and in the water cycle comic. I drew a water droplet and not an actual person so it was easier. Something similar of the comics is that they both are about a cycle.

Something I found frustrating in the project was that I couldn't draw stick figures and I'm not very good at drawing. I found this frustrating because since I am not a very good drawer I thought the pictures would be bad. I also found frustrating is that when I was putting the comic on card board I had to tape the card board together and it wasn't sticking together. It was very difficult to do and if I wasn't careful it could of broke. If it had broke then I would get a zero and the policy is "Once a zero always a zero".

A grade that I would give this project is a B or a C and I would give it these grade because I tried hard but it isn't very good. I would give it a B because I worked hard and a C because it might break if you are not careful. It would break easily because I was rushing and I should of taken my time. One thing that is good is the color but the card board and the tape wasn't very good. One more reason why its a B is because even if it is bad I still turned it in and at least I didn't turn nothing in.

One thing I would like to improve upon is to pay more attention in class and work on my drawing. I would also like to not get distracted easily and not forget anything important. I also want to improve on my work and collaboration. I also want to pay attention when the teacher is telling us something important. One more thing is to do better work and to be smarter sometimes because I don't want to embarrass myself.

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