Sunday, February 5, 2017

Weekly blog 2/3/17

Image: Image result for skeletal left and right arm

Summary: This week I learned that about your leg bones, arm bones, the kidneys, and the lungs. Your leg bones help you stand and if you didn't have them you wouldn't be able to stand. Some bones in your legs are the tibia, the fibula, patella, and femur. Then your arms help you grab things and block things. Some parts of your arm are called the radius, humerus, and the ulna. Then your kidneys take away waste from your blood and then it turns into urine and goes into the bladder. Some things connected to the kidney is the bladder, the bladder neck, and the ureter. Lastly the lungs which help you breath by separating oxygen from carbon dioxide. The lungs help you breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide. Some things related to the lungs is the diaphragm, trachea, bronchi, alveoli, and bronchioles.

SP2: Developing and using models
Models make it possible to go beyond things you observe and simulate a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form “if…then… therefore” to be made in order to test hypothetical explanations.

Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?

Yes I drew a picture of the lungs, kidneys, arm bones, and leg bones and I drew an improved/nefarious version of each for my super villain.

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