Sunday, March 12, 2017

Weekly blog 3/12/17

Image: Image result for food chain
Image link:

Summary: This week I learned about the food chain. A food chain explains how an environment works. Such as what animal eats what or if they're a decomposer, consumer, or producer. The image up above is an example. The producer is the plants and the consumer is the grasshopper, the mice for eating the grasshopper, the snake for eating the mouse , and the hawk for eating the snake. Then when the hawk dies it's decomposed into nutrients. The nutrients goes to the plants and the process starts all over again. There's also something called a food web which is just like a food chain but more descriptive and complicated. An example is if the hawk eats a small bird and the snake then the food chain would branch out to what the small bird eats.

SP2: Developing and using models
Models make it possible to go beyond things you observe and simulate a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form “if…then… therefore” to be made in order to test hypothetical explanations.

Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?

We made a food chain on a piece of paper so that we could all understand it better.

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