Friday, September 1, 2017

Weekly blog 9/1/17


Summary: This week I learned about the rock cycle. The rock cycle is like a regular cycle but it has different paths for different rocks or for weathering/erosion. You can do the cycle a different way each time to get the same thing you started with or with a whole different rock. There are 3 types of rocks such as Metamorphic, Igneous, and sedimentary. Metamorphic rocks can be created when pressure is applied to Sedimentary rocks or when an igneous rock gets eroded. Then sedimentary rocks are formed formed from an eroded igneous rock which then goes through sedimentation to become a sedimentary rock. Lastly an igneous rock is formed when metamorphic rock is melted and becomes magma. The magma then crystallizes and becomes an igneous rock. But there are 2 types of igneous rock such as extrusive and intrusive. Extrusive is when the magma crystallizes above ground and intrusive is when the magma crystallizes below ground. To shorten it igneous can change into the other 2 types of rocks besides itself and so can metamorphic and sedimentary. Igneous: sedimentary and metamorphic, Sedimentary: metamorphic and igneous, and lastly Metamorphic: igneous, and sedimentary.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations
. A major practice of scientists is planning and carrying out systematic investigations that require clarifying what counts as data and in experiments identifying variables.

Did you plan and carry out an investigation?
(Mostly when we do a investigation, lab, or experiment)

Yes we did an experiment using gizmo and we saw what actions would create a certain type of rock. Just like how if magma crystallizes above ground then it's an extrusive igneous rock and if magma crystallizes below ground then it's an intrusive igneous rock. Also if you were to erode an igneous rock which could become sedimentary or metamorphic.

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