Sunday, December 10, 2017

Weekly blog 12/10/17


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Summary: This week I learned about scalar and vector quantities. I also learned about distance and displacement. Scalar quantities is how far something went and vector quantities are the same thing but they have the direction that something is going in. An example of scalar quantities is if someone said that the supermarket is 11 miles away from your home. Then an example of vector quantities is if someone said that the supermarket is 11 miles east of your house. Distance is also an example of a scalar quantity because distance also only says how far something is from it’s original position. Displacement however is an example of vector quantities because it’s how far away something is from it’s original position and the direction of where it went.

SP5: Using mathematics and computational thinking
Mathematical and computational approaches enable prediction of the behavior of physical systems along with the testing of such predictions.

Did you perform any math calculations?

Yes we did a lab this week and we needed to add to get a total distance and to get a displacement To get a displacement I would do one length squared and multiply it by another length squared.

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