Sunday, February 4, 2018

Weekly blog 2/4/18

Image: Image result for newton's 3 laws

Summary: This week we learned about Newton's 3 laws. The first law is the law of inertia which means that an object that isn't moving stays unmoving and an object that's moving keeps moving. Unless the object is acted on by an unbalanced force then the object will start to move or the object will stop moving. Newton's 2nd law is Force, force is acceleration multiplied by mass. The 2nd law explains how the first law works. The 2nd law also has something called a net force with it. A net force can be when an object is being acted upon 2 forces and the 2 forces are equal (both in opposite directions). A net force can also be when 2 forces in opposite direction are acting on an object but one of them is larger than the other. The last type of net force is when the 2 forces are going in the same direction and they're acting upon an object. Lastly Newton's 3rd and last law is action and reaction. An example is if you're throwing a ball, you throwing the ball is the action and when the ball bounces or rolls on the ground that's the reaction.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations
A major practice of scientists is planning and carrying out systematic investigations that require clarifying what counts as data and in experiments identifying variables.

Did you plan and carry out an investigation?

(Mostly when we do a investigation, lab, or experiment)

Yes this week we did multiple labs and experiments. We did 3 labs and each lab was one of the 3 of Newton's laws. Then we had to say how the law was in the experiment/lab.

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