Friday, December 19, 2014

Severe Weather Project Reflection

I learned that some weather is very severe and can cause lots of damage to the environment. I also learned that severe weather is very serious.

In ways I think I need to improve I think that I need to pay more attiention to my work. I also need to make sure I am doing my work correctly. One more thing is I need to work faster and not wait until the last minute.

I think this week what my work tells me how I learn is by being shown. I need to be be told what to do. I also need to learn how to be better at showing I know something.

If I were a teacher I would say that I did a good job explaining. I would also say I would need to speed up on my work. Another thing is making sure I get my work ready to turn it in.

But one thing I improved on is making sure when my assignments are due. I also think I improved on is trying to work on my work whenever it is possible. The last thing is making sure that I don't have any zeros.

Monday, December 8, 2014

clouds 12/12

This week we learned about the water cycle.

One problem I encountered during this I forgot some of my supplies. But I fixed it by working at home. The assignment was the droplet comic and I think that it was a very fun assignment I think.

I think about my work this week I can see that it is a little off because I think I need too work on my blogs. I also think that I need to read directions a little better than I do now. I think that my blogs need a little more time because I need more paying attention too what I am typing.

This week I learned that the water is heated and then it is transferred to another cloud and it makes rain, snow, hail, or a storm. I also learned that the water is purified and goes in a lake or ocean again.

Fun fact: Once the water is put back the process starts again.

Fun fact: There are 2 clouds then a cloud in the middle to make a big rain cloud.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Project Reflection: Letter to Mr. Cuttatree

This week I learned that people want to cut down the rainforests for malls, resorts, and other buildings like that. i also learned what would happen if someone cut down the rainforest and what would happen if all the plants were gone.If someone like Mr. cuttatree destroyed the rainforest then everything would crumble.

Fun fact: The rainforest would die if we destroyed it

Fun fact: If the rainforest did die out then we would lose oxygen and lose animals.

If I didn't know about this I wouldn't have wrote the letter to Mr. Cuttatree. If I already knew about it then I would put everything I knew on that letter to Mr. Cuttatree.

Layers of the atmostsphere 12/5


There are 4 layers of the atmosphere.

 " The atmosphere is made up of many gases that act as a protective shield for the Earth and allows life to exist".
 The atmosphere consists of 4 layers, held around planet by the force of gravity.
Troposphere: " As you move down through the layers, atmospheric pressure increases rapidly. The Troposphere is the layer closest to the Earth".
" Weather occurs only in the troposphere because it is this layer that contains most of the water vapor".
Stratosphere: " The stratosphere is the second layer. It is here that we find the ozone layer. The ozone layer absorbs much of the Sun's radiation",
Mesosphere: " Beyond the stratosphere the air is very thin and cold. This area is known as the mesosphere".
" The thermosphere is the fourth layer in the atmosphere. Space shuttles fly in this area".
" Part of the thermosphere. It reflects radio waves to distant places on Earth".
" Part of the thermosphere where the atmosphere merges into space".

This week I needed to write down stuff about the layers of the atmosphere and I didn't have that much time. So I copied it off of someone elses because they let me. I also thought that I would fail but I kept trying.

What was satisfying about my work this week is that I wrote everything I needed and the stuff I wrote was really important. I also think that what I copied off of the screen was also very important. I also think that the work I did was very good because I think that my writing got better.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Letter to Mr.Cuttatree

Dear Mr. Cuttatree

I am writing you this letter today because I heard you were building the Uppitty resort. I think that you should not build the Uppitty resort because animals will die out. The whole species of animals will die out which means all the animals might not exist anymore in that rainforest if you keep cutting down trees and taking animal's homes away. We will also lose oxygen and plants. If we lose plants we will lose oxygen because plants need us and we need plants.

Plants breathe out oxygen and we breathe out carbon dioxide. We also already have resorts around the world. If you make too many resorts in the world then the world will soon be covered in resorts and if we have too many resorts then there won't be any room for the plants or animals. If there are no plants or animals the world will be in danger. If we run out of oxygen we won't be able to breathe and if we don't have any animals then the whole food web will be destroyed.

Everything relies on plants for energy and if you destroy the plants then we won't get any energy. If we don't have any energy then we won't be able to run or have fun. If were not able to run then everyone might as well not work. If we don't work then we won't be able to make money. If we don't make money we won't be able to take care of our families.

Also if we don't make money we won't be able to pay the electric and water bills. We also won't be able to pay for food. if we don't have food we won't be able to live. We need all these things to live and if you just take away plants then everything falls apart. We also rely on animals because if we eat both then we are still eating plants. Like a cow for instance it eats grass and we eat the cow so we are still eating plants.

We also rely on the sun but the sun gives light to the plants that gives us energy. I think you shouldn't build the Upitty resort because we won't live and breathe. We need the plants and animals to survive. We are like there partners to survive. In conclusion you should not build the Uppitty resort because of plants and animals.

Sincerly,  Madeline Chan

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Spectacled caiman

In ways I have got better at looking up information is just looking up something that I want information that I need. I think what was most satisfying about my work this week is that I got my work done and I got to relax.
Fun fact: The spectacled caiman eats about anything it can get its big jaws on.
Fun fact: The spectacled caiman would eat about anything to survive. Even their own kind.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


In ways by getting better at this work I have taken notes and paying attention to the teacher. I have also read an article about it.

What was satisfying to me was that I have an A in this class. I also am satisfied that i have very good grades.

Fun facts: did you Know that the Africa's rainforest's have only 6% protected by the government. 

fun fact: Madagascar only has 5% of its forest's left.

Monday, October 27, 2014

10/24 " Interdependence of organisms"-1

I think I need to improve is to learn more about these subjects. I think to improve is right down my notes faster. I also think that I need to improve is to pay attention to when the teacher is telling me what to do.

What was satisfying about my work is that I have done good at the assignment. I am also proud that I know what to do for the assignments. The one thing I learned this week is that there are secondary consumers and primary consumers.

I have also learned is that if one animal is gone from the food web then everything falls

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Interdependence of organisms

Today my class talked about stems, roots, and leaves.

There are two types of roots called fibrous and taproots. Fibrous roots look like tree branches and taproots can reach water that is deep underground. Some taproots store food and for the plant.

Stems provide support for the plant allowing the leaves to reach the sunlight that they need to produce food. Stems also carry water and nutrients taken up by the roots to the leaves. The cells that do this work are called xylem cells. Then the food produced by the leaves moves to the other parts of the plant. This is done by the phloem cells.

Leaves are food making factories of green plants. Leaves use water and minerals from the soil, cordon dioxide from the air and energy from the sunlight to make food.

My work tells me that I learn from seeing and hearing people talk.

By paying attention and and listening to the teacher.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Nervous system

Function: controls everything you do 

Organs: Brain: the control center
              Spinal cord: the highway for information. To the brain and from the brain 
              Nervous: connects your body to the brain

Activity: we used a website to know what we have to put on our blogs. The website allowed us to answer questions to see what we learned from the tips the website gave us.

The nervous system works with the brain, spinal cord, and nerves.

Fun fact: Neurons are nerve cells that carry information as tiny electrical signals.

Fun fact: receptors are things in your body that sends a signal to your spinal cord to the brain because if something happened to a body part that was yours.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Urinary system

Function: Gets rid of  soluble waste/ liquid

Organs: Kidneys: filter blood
             Ureters: two tubes
             Bladder: stores urine for disposal
             Urethra: one tube

The urinary system works with the kidney, ureters, bladder, and urethra.

How to keep your bladder healthy: how to keep your bladder healthy is too eat healthy and not hold your pea in for more than 24 hours.

Fun fact: If you keep your pea in for 24 or more hours than you will have a bladder infection

Fun fact: the kidneys make your pea.

Fun fact: another name for pea is urine.

Fun fact: The brain signals the bladder that its time to empty the bladder

Fun fact: The waste from the blood gets taken away in the urine and goes into the toilet

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Skeletal system

Function: Your long bones allow you to move and your toes finger and toes.  (provides structure). Produces blood in the bone marrow and protects your main organs and your.

Axial bones: axial bones keep you up right (spine and peluis).

Apendicular bones: Apendicular bones help move your arms and legs.

Joints: Bendy: synovial, Slip'n slide: cartilaginous, Roundy: Fibrous

Synovial: The synovial bones join together in a joint capsole, witch is where the knee joint is and where the fumur and the tibia meet.

Cartilaginous: cartilaginous joints are joined by cartilage, witch is sternocostal joint between the sternum and the first rib.

Fibrous: fibrous joints are joined by fibrous tissue, witch is sutures in the skull or the pelvis.

Fun fact: Synovial joints give a lot of movement.

Fun fact: Fibrous joints don't give out any movement at all.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Muscular system

 Function: The Muscular allows you to move your body

Cardiac: The Cardiac muscle is only found in the heart and is made out of muscle tissue

Smooth:  The Smooth muscle is found in the stomach, esophagus, Bronchi, and in the walls of your blood vessles

Skeletal: The Skeletal muscle is found attached to bones and can stretch or contract. They can also mold back into the shape they are usually in.

Fun fact: If a muscle is involuntary you can't control it

Fun fact: If a muscle is voluntary you can control it
I learned that

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Digestive System

Function: Breaks down the food, separate and absorb nutrients, and water so they can be delivered to the circulatory system for distribution. It also gets rid of solid waste.

Organs: Mouth: Teeth and tongue
             Esophagus: a tube that is connected to the throat.
             Stomach: squishes the food
            Small intestine: longest tube in the body and the stomach gives the small intestine the food so it can go out the other way.
            Large intestine: absorbs the food
            rectum: large intestine
            aunus: goes to the toilet and goes 

Fun fact: The digestive is basically just how you get things in and out of your body

Fun fact: The tongue gets saliva so it can make it easier to chew       

Monday, October 6, 2014

Respiratory system

Function: The Respiratory system provides oxygen and takes away waste witch is carbon dioxide.

Organs: Lungs: have bronchioles
             Bronchioles: have alveoli
             Alveoli: Oxygen passes from the alveoli into capillaryes of the circulatory system.
             Diaphragm: Pulls and pushes the air
             Trachea: Oxygen tube          

We made a model of the Respiratory system and we used plastic bottles and balloons. We made it by putting the regular balloon and not the ripped one on the top and the ripped one on the bottom because there was a hole on the bottom of the bottle and the way it works is by pulling the bottom. Then the regular balloon gets air and then releases the air like we do.

Fun fact: if you want to keep your lungs healthy then don't smoke EVER!

Fun fact: by keeping your lungs healthy your keeping yourself healthy.



Thursday, October 2, 2014

Circulatory System

The function of the heart: to pump oxygen to your body

The function of the veins: takes blood to my heart

The function of the arteries: take blood away from my heart

organs: heart,veins, and arteries

Yesterday we walked around a picture of the heart that was drawn from chalk. We walked around carrying white cloth then exchanged it from another person for red cloth. The white cloth was oxygen poor blood and the red blood was oxygen rich blood.

Fun fact: The cardiovascular system is called a circular system because its like a cycle that repeats every time it ends.

Fun fact: The right ventricle, The pulmonary artery, and the right atrium has oxygen poor blood,

Fun fact: The left atrium, the left ventricle, and the aorta has oxygen rich blood.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

09/26 '' Organelle trail ''

The Cell wall and chloroplast are the two parts that are only found in the plant cell. I also learned that animals have squishy skin and plants have hard skin. I had a problem with my partner . I resolved it by talking and working it out.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

09/19 '' The Cell ''

I think that a way for me to improve is to give me extra credit or to work harder on what we are learning. Also one things I have learned so far are that cells are in our body. Another thing is  that if we do not have cells then we might die.

Friday, September 12, 2014

3 - 2 - 1

 1.I learned that a responding variable changes.
2. I am confused about variables.
3.I hope you can help me on understanding the variables better.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Letter to School Board

Dear School Board,

The Science class should continue because if we just learn everything off of the computer our brains might loose brain cells. If you let science continue then we might learn a bit more about how computers work or how machines do the things they do.

Science teaches new things and if I learn things on the computer then I might be addicted to it. Its good for us to learn new things because then we will have a subject that teaches things we won't learn in other classes. If we don't learn new things then we won't have anything else to learn.

Science crosses subjects(History and Art). Science  supports History because they used technology back then and we can discover how the machines work. Science supports Art because if we want to paint the painting in a certain angle then we can us science to figure out how to paint the painting.

Science is in our everyday lives because we make science based choices everyday. Science is important because we use it everyday. Science is important because science helped us make computers. I also think that everything hasn't been discovered yet because we can learn or find new info.

This is everything I think why we should keep science.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


I like the computers because they look nice, I also like the writing because I like to write, and last but not least Mrs.Garcia because I think she is nice.