Friday, December 19, 2014

Severe Weather Project Reflection

I learned that some weather is very severe and can cause lots of damage to the environment. I also learned that severe weather is very serious.

In ways I think I need to improve I think that I need to pay more attiention to my work. I also need to make sure I am doing my work correctly. One more thing is I need to work faster and not wait until the last minute.

I think this week what my work tells me how I learn is by being shown. I need to be be told what to do. I also need to learn how to be better at showing I know something.

If I were a teacher I would say that I did a good job explaining. I would also say I would need to speed up on my work. Another thing is making sure I get my work ready to turn it in.

But one thing I improved on is making sure when my assignments are due. I also think I improved on is trying to work on my work whenever it is possible. The last thing is making sure that I don't have any zeros.

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