Friday, December 19, 2014

Severe Weather Project Reflection

I learned that some weather is very severe and can cause lots of damage to the environment. I also learned that severe weather is very serious.

In ways I think I need to improve I think that I need to pay more attiention to my work. I also need to make sure I am doing my work correctly. One more thing is I need to work faster and not wait until the last minute.

I think this week what my work tells me how I learn is by being shown. I need to be be told what to do. I also need to learn how to be better at showing I know something.

If I were a teacher I would say that I did a good job explaining. I would also say I would need to speed up on my work. Another thing is making sure I get my work ready to turn it in.

But one thing I improved on is making sure when my assignments are due. I also think I improved on is trying to work on my work whenever it is possible. The last thing is making sure that I don't have any zeros.

Monday, December 8, 2014

clouds 12/12

This week we learned about the water cycle.

One problem I encountered during this I forgot some of my supplies. But I fixed it by working at home. The assignment was the droplet comic and I think that it was a very fun assignment I think.

I think about my work this week I can see that it is a little off because I think I need too work on my blogs. I also think that I need to read directions a little better than I do now. I think that my blogs need a little more time because I need more paying attention too what I am typing.

This week I learned that the water is heated and then it is transferred to another cloud and it makes rain, snow, hail, or a storm. I also learned that the water is purified and goes in a lake or ocean again.

Fun fact: Once the water is put back the process starts again.

Fun fact: There are 2 clouds then a cloud in the middle to make a big rain cloud.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Project Reflection: Letter to Mr. Cuttatree

This week I learned that people want to cut down the rainforests for malls, resorts, and other buildings like that. i also learned what would happen if someone cut down the rainforest and what would happen if all the plants were gone.If someone like Mr. cuttatree destroyed the rainforest then everything would crumble.

Fun fact: The rainforest would die if we destroyed it

Fun fact: If the rainforest did die out then we would lose oxygen and lose animals.

If I didn't know about this I wouldn't have wrote the letter to Mr. Cuttatree. If I already knew about it then I would put everything I knew on that letter to Mr. Cuttatree.

Layers of the atmostsphere 12/5


There are 4 layers of the atmosphere.

 " The atmosphere is made up of many gases that act as a protective shield for the Earth and allows life to exist".
 The atmosphere consists of 4 layers, held around planet by the force of gravity.
Troposphere: " As you move down through the layers, atmospheric pressure increases rapidly. The Troposphere is the layer closest to the Earth".
" Weather occurs only in the troposphere because it is this layer that contains most of the water vapor".
Stratosphere: " The stratosphere is the second layer. It is here that we find the ozone layer. The ozone layer absorbs much of the Sun's radiation",
Mesosphere: " Beyond the stratosphere the air is very thin and cold. This area is known as the mesosphere".
" The thermosphere is the fourth layer in the atmosphere. Space shuttles fly in this area".
" Part of the thermosphere. It reflects radio waves to distant places on Earth".
" Part of the thermosphere where the atmosphere merges into space".

This week I needed to write down stuff about the layers of the atmosphere and I didn't have that much time. So I copied it off of someone elses because they let me. I also thought that I would fail but I kept trying.

What was satisfying about my work this week is that I wrote everything I needed and the stuff I wrote was really important. I also think that what I copied off of the screen was also very important. I also think that the work I did was very good because I think that my writing got better.