Friday, May 29, 2015

weekly blog 5/29/15

Scientific American in the article, Do dyes make some children hyperactive?, This article explains that some children get hyperactive after eating krafts mac and cheese because it has dyes . The main idea of this article is that some children get hyperactive after eating the dyes that are in krafts mac and cheese. The name of the dyes are Yellow No. 5 and  Yellow No. 6. 

In the beginning, the article talks about the dye and how kraft is going to change the dyes with natural food colorings. The Food and drug administration (FDA) is part of the government and its job is too make sure food is safe for people to eat. This means that if the FDA thinks that the dyes are bad for people to eat then they might say that people can't use it in foods.

The Scientific American states that Yellow No. 5 and 6 might be bad for children to eat.  To clarify if the food dyes are bad for children the FDA needs to further understand what it's made of. As I understand it, some children are more effected by dye yellow. No. 5 and 6 and some are not as effective.

Finally, the author concludes that krafts macoronni will change to natural food colors and that the FDA might shut down yellow food dye.

The author's purpose is to persuade people to cook with normal food coloring so that kids don't get side effects.


I didn't know much about this subject before because I never bothered to study it until I read the article and its acually interesting. Now I know that some dyes might be bad for certain people and that its better to have natural food coloring. The difference in what I knew before isn't very great because I only learned a small amount of food dyes.

I chose this article because it seemed interesting to me and when I read some of it I just got rapped up in the story. The facts are interesting and since I haven't read it before I don't know what it's going to say next and I just think it's a good article to read. One thing that isn't that interesting is the part when it explains that kraft is going to change their food dyes to natural coloring.

The information in this article can affect the future by persuading  people to use natural food coloring instead of food dyes that are not natural. Maybe in the future there is no dyes in food and everything is naturally colored. It would be healthier but the food might be a different color in the future and we would need to get used to what color the food is.

A possible expansion on the topic is that the author could tell people about what the dyes are made of and what it has in it. The author could also tell people about how long we have been using yellow No. 5 and 6 so we could know how long it will last. One more thing is that he could tell people about other food dyes that are put in different foods and what they have in them.


When I was surprised I was looking at the projector screen.
The surprise was that I was in Mr.P's class.
It was surprising because I thought I would be in a different class.
What this can tell me is that next time I can expect the unexpected.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Article blog 5/22/15

LA times in the article,Why did the Wooly Mammoth die out? Scientists look at genes for clues everything has genes and the scientists are trying to figure out how the mammoths didn't survive and they are going to use the genes of the mammoth to figure out how they didn't survive. The article is talking about the genes of the wooly mammoth and if they are close or not to figuring out how the wooly mammoth got extinct.

In the beginning, LA times explains that wooly mammoths are related to elephants and they are trying to figure out how mammoths got extinct.  This means that if you string together the pieces of the DNA then you'll be able to figure out what made the wooly mammoths die out.

LA times states that wooly mammoths some how didn't  survive even though they are so powerful. A wooly mammoth looks like an elephant but covered in brown hair and has tusks. As I understand it, scientists are trying to figure out how mammoths died and they might even use the DNA from elephants.

Finally, the author concludes that mammoths died some how and we are trying to figure out how with DNA or gnome.
The author's purpose is to tell people that scientists are trying to figure out the mystery of the wooly mammoth.

link to website: Newsela

Surprise: When I was surprised I was on schoolloop.
The surprise was that I had to do an article blog.
This was surprising because I thought we only had to do one last week.
What this can tell me is that I am going to be doing article blogs more often.

A connection I can make between this is that I used the same website and they are both from the science section. Another connection I can make is that they are both about animals and the animals are also known to people. One more connection I can make is that one is extinct and the other is not.

I chose this article because it seemed interesting and I would like to learn about mammoths. Another reason why I chose this article is because it was one that was near the one I chose last time and it was in the same section as the one I use last time. One more reason that I chose the article is because I liked the picture and thought it would be interesting.

The information in this article affects the community because then other scientists will try and figure out how the mammoths got extinct before the other scientists. Another reason that this can affect the community is that people could find it interesting and would want to read about it every time people write about it in an article. One more reason why this could affect the community is by telling people who don't want the scientists to figure out how the mammoths died.

A question after reading the article is why people want to know? I would answer this by reading the title to people.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Weekly blog 5/15/15

Madeline Rose Chan in the article, Little crabs big trouble for whales explains that whales can get caught in the nets that are for capturing crabs. In the beginning a Newsela staff talks about how a woman named Cathrine Kilduff wants to still protect the whales and Catherine Kilduff says that whales could also get hurt by trash, pollution, ships, and some of these are fishing lines. The Newsela staff quotes to explain that whales are in danger because of people fishing when whales are migrating. As I understand it whales could run out of air and get too tired to eat anything. Finally the author concludes that people should stop fishing for crabs when whales are migrating. The author's purpose is to persuade people not to endanger animals or not to do dangerous things.

"Little Crabs Cause Big Trouble for Whales." Newsela. Newsela Staff, 11 May 2015. Web. 14 May 2015. <>.

A connection I can make between an article I read and something I did recently is that they are both articles and I read them on the same website. I also can also make a connection by comparing how different they are like saying that one is about animals and the other is about how to keep your body healthy. One other thing is that one is about companies and one is about whales.

My choice of article reveals myself as a learner by saying that I like interesting articles about what happened to certain animals or people. It would also reveal that I like to know what an article is about first before I read it. One more thing it would reveal is that I pay more attention to the title than what I am reading.

The information in this article can effect the future by having people not fishing for crabs anymore. Another reason is that it could effect whales in a good way by having them peacefully migrate. They can also help the whales by having more whales and the whales won't become extinct.

A question I would have after I read the article is that I would want to know where the whales are migrating to. How I would go answering this question is saying where the whales are migrating from then tell myself where they are migrating to.

 This week I was surprised when Mrs. Garcia said everyone had to do an article blog. This was surprising to me because I didn't expect Mrs. Garcia to tell everyone to do an article blog this week. When I was surprised I was listening to what Mrs. Garcia was saying. What I can learn from this surprise is that Mrs. Garcia will do this often or she will might do it when the class least expects it.