Friday, January 9, 2015

Weekly blog 1 / 9 / 15

This week I learned about how M and M's are affected in water and matter. The first time we did an M and M experiment we learned about matter first then we did the experiment, we started on Tuesday. Then we did another experiment the day after and finally on Friday we did an experiment on colliding the colors. The first two colors were brown and orange. Then the last two colors were red and green.

During this week one problem I encountered was that I needed to know what to write for the learning what matter is. I solved this problem by reading the red words.

What was satisfying about my work this week was that I turned in the Homework for science and that I don't have any zeros in that class.

A goal I want t set for myself next week is to get my work done faster and to not get any zeros. I also want to make sure I know what my assignments are and what my homework is.

Fun fact: Matter is anything that takes up space.

Fun fact: tables, chairs, and notebooks are matter.

Fun fact: your house is also matter because is takes up space.

Fun fact: opposite M and M colors might combine.

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