Friday, January 30, 2015

Weekly blog 1/30

This week I learned about matter, atoms, and compounds. I learned that matter is something that takes up space. I also learned that atoms make up matter. One more thing I learned is that compounds are different from mixtures.

I think I need to improve by reading faster and to listen to the teacher better. I also want to improve in typing because I also type the wrong keys sometimes. I also want to make sure I write all my notes so I can use them on tests.

What I find frustrating about my work this week is that I had a lot of work due in this subject and I was very stressed out about the blog. I also noticed that I needed to finish one assignment today.

If I were a teacher I would comment that I have good spelling and my paragraphs. I would also comment that it is very descriptive. I also would comment about my sentences and words.

One thing I would like to improve upon is that I want to not get distracted so easily. I also want to take better notes. I also want to make sure I don't get carried away of writing down my notes.

What I was surprised about this week is that we were using computers this week. This surprised me because we haven't used them in a while in science.

Fun fact: Matter is made out of anything that takes up space and has weight.

Fun fact: Compounds are when you can't break atoms apart and a mixture is when you can.

Fun fact: Atoms make up everything even matter.

Fun fact: Iron is a good heat conductor.

Fun fact: The periodic table is about atomic elements.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Weekly blog 1/22/15

This week what surprised me was that we were doing more experiments because we did experiments last week. But last week we did M and M related experiments.

This week we did something to do with salt, MSG, Espom salt, and sugar. We did an experiment yesterday to see if they look like the unknown but I think it was Espom salt or MSG. I just want to know what it is and if  Mrs. Garcia will tell us tomorrow.

I have not done similar work in my past grades and I don't we didn't do experiments that often. I don't remember how many experiments we did in 4th grade. But I think that I did only a couple in third and not any more in 2nd to kindergarten.

What was satisfying about my work this week is that I wrote my notes and I my homework and classwork. I also liked the past few experiments and I really liked todays experiment. Mostly what I like about my work is that can do new experiments in science.

If someone were to look at my work and learn who I am they would probably learn that I get distracted a lot. They would also learn that I don't learn that fast and that I need to learn more specifically. One more thing they would learn is that I sometimes right down and summarize what the teacher is saying or what is on the screen or white board.

One thing I would like to improve upon is to not get distracted and pay attention more in class. I also want to improve on learning so I can right better notes. I also want to write more neatly and write more fast.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Weekly blog 1/16/15

What surprised me this week was that we were doing a lot of experiments. This surprised me because we don't do experiments often. This means that since we don't do experiments often I thought it was a surprise that we were doing a lot of experiments.

This week we did M and M experiments and we did worksheets for it. I also learned that if M and Ms are in warm water they disolve faster and if there in cold water they would't disolve as fast. But if they were in room temp water then it would be in the middle.

I have done similar work for my last blog and it is the same topic. But I did not do the same questions. I might do the same questions though.

I have changed my mind about this subject because we were doing fun experiments. We were also doing lots of writing and I like writing. I also changed my mind because we were doing team stuff.

A grade I would give myself for science is a B because I would kind of hard. I would also give myself a B because it is good not bad. My second choice would be A because its really good.

A goal I would like to set for myself next week is to do the work right and listen more. I also want to do my blog so I don't have to do it on the weekend and do have it be late.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Weekly blog 1 / 9 / 15

This week I learned about how M and M's are affected in water and matter. The first time we did an M and M experiment we learned about matter first then we did the experiment, we started on Tuesday. Then we did another experiment the day after and finally on Friday we did an experiment on colliding the colors. The first two colors were brown and orange. Then the last two colors were red and green.

During this week one problem I encountered was that I needed to know what to write for the learning what matter is. I solved this problem by reading the red words.

What was satisfying about my work this week was that I turned in the Homework for science and that I don't have any zeros in that class.

A goal I want t set for myself next week is to get my work done faster and to not get any zeros. I also want to make sure I know what my assignments are and what my homework is.

Fun fact: Matter is anything that takes up space.

Fun fact: tables, chairs, and notebooks are matter.

Fun fact: your house is also matter because is takes up space.

Fun fact: opposite M and M colors might combine.