Sunday, December 20, 2015

Project blog 12/20/15

Summary: This week I learned about a charity called the AWI and I also learned more how to do the charity fair project. What I learned about the AWI is that they want to stop the hurting of animals by using the money given to them. They are trying to stop people from using steel jaw traps and barb wires because they can cause painful damage to animals with fur. What I learned about the charity fair is that we need a trifold, a cost and profit, a company name, and a product to sell. I also learned that food items were most famous in the charity fair because someone selling cake pops got about $72 dollars and my company wasn't selling a food item and we only got about !6 to 18 dollars.

How much of the subject I knew before was that you needed a product cost, profit, and poster. That's what we needed last year and I guess that they changed it a little to make it harder so we can learn more. This year they wanted us to do cost, profit, carbon footprint, trifold poster, company name, and product. This year was pretty different from last year but they were also kind of the same.

What I thought was satisfying about this project was the product because out of everything the frogs were the most popular because that's where most of our profit came from. One other thing that was satisfying was that when we were making the trifold because it looked awesome when we were done.

If I could give my product a grade it would be an A because it was colorful and it had the cost and profit on it. I would also give it an A because it had the carbon footprint as well and it also had pictures of the products so people can see what they look like on the trifold and on the table. One more reason I would give it an A because it had everything that was required but that's just my opinion.

One other thing I would like to improve on is to be better at listening because sometimes when I don't listen I'm confused on future work. I want to listen more to get good grades in school so I can then move on to the next grade. I want to do this so I'm not left behind and heldback even more.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Weekly blog 12/13/15

Summary: This week we were working on our carbon footprint for the charity fair and we worked on our cost a bit too. 2 of our resources are the same but I'm pretty sure the rest has a  different total of CO2 but the 2 resources total of  CO2 is 7,418,510. We are doing two things for the charity fair and those two things are origami and rice crispies. The two resources that are the same is the paper that we're using to make the origami and the ones that are different are the rice crispies. The two resources that are the same are made in Vietnam and Vietnam from San Jose is 12,262 km.

SP5: Using mathematics and computational thinking
In science, mathematics and computation are fundamental tools for representing physical variables and their relationships. They are used for a range of tasks such as constructing simulations; statistically analyzing data; and recognizing, expressing, and applying quantitative relationships. Mathematical and computational approaches enable prediction of the behavior of physical systems along with the testing of such predictions. Moreover, statistical techniques are also invaluable for identifying significant patterns and establishing correlational relationships. 

Did you perform any math calculations?

We made math calculations in the carbon footprint because we had to add distance from origin, Quantity needed for 1000 kilograms of product (kg), and g of CO2 generated by likely mode of transport. When you add these 3 things you get the total number of CO2.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Weekly blog 12/6/2015

Summary: This week we were learning about soil and we are in groups working on a google doc that we have to finish. We need to answer questions such as what is soil, what is the composition of soil, what are the different types of soil, etc. For the first question "What is soil" soil is our most important resource because it can help us support buildings, it helps us make food, and since it is under us everyday we can't notice how important it is. The last question is "What are the different types of soil?". The different types of soil is Tundra soils, Northern forest soils, Prairie soils, Mountain soils, Southern forest soils, Desert soils, and Tropical soils.

SP7: Engaging in argument from evidence
In science, reasoning and argument are essential for clarifying strengths and weaknesses of a line of evidence and for identifying the best explanation for a natural phenomenon. Scientists must defend their explanations, formulate evidence based on a solid foundation of data, examine their understanding in light of the evidence and comments by others, and collaborate with peers in searching for the best explanation for the phenomena being investigated.

Did you participate in a class discussion providing evidence for your answers, and/or used the ACE strategy in your work?

We watched a video about soil and about how important it is. Then we discussed a little bit what we were going to do. Our teacher also said that we could watch the video again and I gained some good information. Another way I gained information is by reading one of the text books.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Weekly blog 11/22/15

Summary: This week we turned in our safest city in america project and we had lots of subs. So we did a on blizzards and I learned that London was the blizzard capital. One other thing I learned is that there are all kinds of snowflakes and they are all very unique in there own ways. Snowflakes come in all shapes and sizes including their design pattern. I also learned that frostbite is very serious and when your out in the cold without a tent you can dig a tunnel for warmth and cover the entrance with snow but there is a small hole for oxygen.

SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions
The goal of science is the construction of theories that provide explanations about the natural world. A theory becomes accepted when it has multiple independent lines of empirical evidence and greater explanatory power.

Did you explain something through your work?

The work that I explained is that on the worksheet I explained things about snowflakes such as that snowflakes come in all shapes and sizes or how to keep warm like digging a hole to keep yourself warm.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Safest Place in America - Essay


 The safest City in America is Henderson, Nevada because it is free from Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, and Blizzards. Henderson, Nevada is safe from these three natural disasters because it is not possible for them to occur here (There are more than these 3) But the ones that can occur here are Earthquakes and Wildfires. Earthquakes can happen here because of the Tectonic plates that are around the state. Wildfires can occur here because in the daytime it is very hot and wildfires can occur in a drought or a dry and hot place.

  Thunderstorms need 3 ingredients moist air, unstable air, and lift and without these ingredient you can't have a Thunderstorm. A thunderstorm can't happen in Nevada because Nevada doesn't have any moist air. The climate for Nevada in the daytime is 125 Fahrenheit (52 celsius) and in the night time it the climate is -50 Fahrenheit (-46 celcius). It doesn't also include other ingredients that make a thunderstorm. But it is still possible for a Thunderstorm to happen in Nevada.

 Tornadoes can't happen in Henderson, Nevada because Nevada is no where near Tornado valley and Nevada's terrain is pretty rocky. If a Tornado were to happen the most dangerous one would hurl a vehicle hundreds of miles away. It could also destroy large building and have a wind speed of 300 mph. Tornadoes mostly occur in the central part of the U.S or also known as the Great plains and more than 500 Tornadoes occur in this area each year. Tornadoes can also be formed by a Thunderstorm but like we said thunderstorms aren't likely to happen in Henderson, Nevada so having a tornado is a little to none chance of having one.

 Blizzards can happen in Henderson, Nevada but are not very common because you need cold air, lots of moisture, and lift. But as we said in Thunderstorms Henderson, Nevada doesn't have that much moisture in its air and its mostly hot in the daytime and cold in the night time. Since it's cold in the night time I guess it's possible to have a blizzard at night. A blizzard and a ground blizzard are different because Blizzards are large ice storms and ground blizzards are made from the fallen snow and then carried up by strong winds. In different places in Nevada there are blizzards but blizzards are not that common in Nevada.

 We chose Henderson, Nevada as the safest place in America because it only had 2 natural disasters which were Wildfires and Earthquakes. But then other than that it doesn't have Blizzards, Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, etc. We also think that New York times is incorrect because Oregon also has Wildfires and Earthquakes but can also be attacked by Tsunamis. Plus now that you think of it Tsunamis are very dangerous because Tsunamis flood everything and destroy a building after some time. The only way to escape a Tsunami is to go to high ground or else you'll be swept away by the giant wave.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Weekly blog 11/15/15

Summary: This week we started our slides for the safest place in america project and I learned that most natural disasters don't happen in the northeast that much. My group is doing a slide but we could have done a powtoon video but we decided to do a slide. I also learned that when there's a wildfire the fire fighters use a pink smoke to put out the fire. Another thing I learned is that California has more than 1 natural disaster along with a few others. One last thing I learned is that wildfires could be caused by lightning.\

SP2: Developing and using models
Science often involves the construction and use of models and simulations to help develop explanations about natural phenomena. Models make it possible to go beyond things you observe and simulate a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form “if…then… therefore” to be made in order to test hypothetical explanations.

Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?

My group is working on a google slide and we got a map worksheet. On that worksheet we put where all the natural disasters happen.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Weekly blog 11/8/15

Summary: This week me and my partner worked on Earthquakes, I think blizzards, and Tsunamis. We had a few bumps on the way but then we got to tsunamis which is the last one for the research part of the project. I learned that a Tsunami can happen from a volcanic explosion or an Earthquake. I also learned that a tidal wave is different from a Tsunami because a Tsunami goes straight and a tidal wave goes in a circle. We are almost done with Tsunamis but we have to do the map part.

SP6: Constructing explanations and designing soulutions
The goal of science is the construction of theories that provide explanations about the natural world. A theory becomes accepted when it has multiple independent lines of empirical evidence and greater explanatory power.

Did you explain something through your work?

I explained how a natural disaster is created, where it happens, description, where it doesn't happen, why it doesn't happen there, and why it does happen there.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Weekly blog 11/1/15

Image result for natural disasters

Summary: This week we worked on a project that has to do with natural disasters and the disaster we have researched on so far are wild fires, thunderstorms, hurricanes, and another that I forgot. We are researching natural disasters for the actual project we are doing and whatever we put on the paper is our research we use for the project. For example we put where the natural disaster happens, how it occurs, which natural disaster it is, and the description of it. We use one computer per team and while one person uses the computer for research the other person rights down the data on the paper. One thing I know so far for researching on where natural disasters happen is that most of them happen in Florida.

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information
Science cannot advance if scientists are unable to communicate their findings clearly and persuasively or learn about the findings of others. A major practice of science is thus to communicate ideas and the results of inquiry—orally; in writing; with the use of tables, diagrams, graphs and equations; and by engaging in extended discussions with peers. Science requires the ability to derive meaning from scientific texts such as papers, the internet, symposia, or lectures to evaluate the scientific validity of the information thus acquired and to integrate that information into proposed explanations.

Did you research something, used the CITE-IT strategy and then “told” the class about it?

We researched information and cited some of the websites.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Project blog 10/25/15

Image result for mount denali
Summary: The project we did in class was in the plate tectonics unit and we had to pick a mountain. My group picked Mt. Denali/Mt. McKinley and we had to put Type of land form, Type of boundary, What it is,  Where it is,  etc. We also had to present an ignite presentation and an ignite presentation is  when every slide transitions after 15 seconds. I don't think we did a very good job presenting because when we presented I don't think we were loud or we weren't talking when the slides transitioned. I don't think I'm very good at presenting because I get too nervous and I don't like everyone looking at me.

One way I think I need to improve is to work on my public speaking and be more prepared for the next project. Another way I can improve is by working on it when I'm at home and not be distracted. I hope I can work on this and be better at presenting.

What I found frustrating is when we had to put type of boundary. This made me frustrated because it was stressful and I didn't like all the stress. One more thing that I found frustrating is that when we had to present because we didn't really practice it and since we thought we weren't suppose to use a printed script we didn't have anything to read off of.

When people look at my group's project I think that they think that it's bad and that the presentation wasn't very good. Or they could think that it was pretty good but some parts needed improving and or fixing. I also think that they might think it was bad and awkward or just awkward.

If I could do this project again I would look over the details more and publish it. I would also make sure that I did everything it that it was set up. One more thing that I would do is that I would pay more attention in class so I would know these things.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Weekly blog 10/18/15

Summary: this week me and my group worked on our diorama of Mt. McKinley. We also kind of worked on our ignite presentation and we still need to a little bit. Mt. McKinley is also one of the highest mountains and the plates that are involved are the pacific plate, North American plate, and the Alaska plate. We found a map of where the pacific and North American plate are but couldn't find one with the Alaska plate. This mountain was called Mt. Denali but is now called Mt. McKinley.

SP2: Developing and using models

Science often involves the construction and use of models and simulations to help develop explanations about natural phenomena. Models make it possible to go beyond things you observe and simulate a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form “if…then… therefore” to be made in order to test hypothetical explanations.

Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?

This week we built a model of Mt.Mckinley and we used tape, paper, cardboard, light green marker, a pencil, and a green marker.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Weekly blog 10/11/15

Summary: This week we did a worksheet and then the next day we had to do a mountain project. The project is that we have to make an ignite presentation and since my group chose the same mountain as someone Mrs.Garcia said she will give us an awesome mountain. Since we chose the same mountain as someone we didn't really get any information on anything. Also an ignite presentation is when you have an amount of time and you just roll with the presentation. There are a lot of mountains and I think that any mountain is fine as long as we can look up information on it.

SP2: Developing and using models

Science often involves the construction and use of models and simulations to help develop explanations about natural phenomena. Models make it possible to go beyond things you observe and simulate a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form “if…then… therefore” to be made in order to test hypothetical explanations.

Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?

We will create a model in the project as well as an ignite presentation.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Weekly blog 10/4/15

Summary: This week we learned about volcano's and different types of volcano's. A type of volcano is called a shield volcano and it looks like a a shield instead of a normal volcano. Some volcano's are dormant witch means that those volcano's don't spew magma out of the tops. Volcano's are a constructive force because even though lava is dangerous the volcano can become dormant and make new land. When a volcano gets created it can also make new land when it becomes dormant. A destructive force is when something like a flood destroys something and doesn't make something. Example: A flood comes and destroys land but a volcano comes and makes more land.

SP2: Developing and using models

Science often involves the construction and use of models and simulations to help develop explanations about natural phenomena. Models make it possible to go beyond things you observe and simulate a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form “if…then… therefore” to be made in order to test hypothetical explanations.

Did you build a model, draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?

Yes in class we made a model volcano, a map, and another model made of grahm crackers, fruit roll ups, and frosting.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Weekly blog 9/27/15

Summary: This week we were learning about the continental drift and it was a theory by Alfred wegner. He found this out by looking a fossils in one place and then the other and there were the same fossils in both places. He told other scientists about his discoveries but since he didn't have any proof no one believed him. After a few years he went on an expedition in Antarctica and then there was a blizzard. When the blizzard cleared some of his students found him but it was to late he was dead. 30 years later another scientist came up with plate tectonics and explained to other scientists that the Earth really did move and that Alfred Wegner was right.

SP6: Constructing explanations and designing solutions

The goal of science is the construction of theories that provide explanations about the natural world. A theory becomes accepted when it has multiple independent lines of empirical evidence and greater explanatory power.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Weekly Blog 09/14-09/18

Summary: This week we were making paper mache volcano's and it was hard to put the news paper on the paper volcano. We are also learning about the Earth's crust and what the layers are called. I think it is going to be exciting when we make our volcano's explode and when fake lava comes down it. I think that the thing that I find the most exciting and the best part of this week is the paper mache volcano. I think this because it is fun to make the volcano and I bet it's going to be exciting when we put the vinegar in the volcano.

SP2: Developing and using


Science often involves the construction and use of models and simulations to help develop explanations about natural phenomena. Models make it possible to go beyond things you observe and simulate a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form “if…then… therefore” to be made in order to test hypothetical explanations.

Did you build a model,draw a picture, created a concept map, etc?

I did build a model with the people in my group and it was a model of a volcano.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Weekly Blog 09/07-09/11

Summary: This week we did a project about the scientific method and the project was a comic. We had to make it so then it would be the cycle of the scientific method and I made mine about a someone that had a question. Then his friend tells him to use the scientific method and he does so he goes through the scientific method. But we couldn't do stick figures so I tried my best to draw and to not mess up. One more thing was that it wouldn't stay together and i had to use a lot of tape.

SP2: Developing and using 


Science often involves the construction and use of models and simulations to help develop explanations about natural phenomena. Models make it possible to go beyond things you observe and simulate a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form “if…then… therefore” to be made in order to test hypothetical explanations.

I refined/rebuild my model as I learned about ...

Friday, September 11, 2015

Project Blog 09/07-09/11

Summary: This week we did a project that was called "The Scientific Method comic". We had to make a comic that was about the Scientific method and we had to make a title. My title was "James and the Scientific Method". I made the story on someone that wanted to know the answer to "Does the amount of sleep effect someone?". I answered the question by having that person go through the Scientific Method and my answer was yes it does.

Backward-looking: Something similar that I did last year was a water cycle comic and it was about the water cycle. I made the project about a little water droplet and the water droplet went through the water cycle. The Scientific method comic was harder because I couldn't draw stick figures and in the water cycle comic. I drew a water droplet and not an actual person so it was easier. Something similar of the comics is that they both are about a cycle.

Something I found frustrating in the project was that I couldn't draw stick figures and I'm not very good at drawing. I found this frustrating because since I am not a very good drawer I thought the pictures would be bad. I also found frustrating is that when I was putting the comic on card board I had to tape the card board together and it wasn't sticking together. It was very difficult to do and if I wasn't careful it could of broke. If it had broke then I would get a zero and the policy is "Once a zero always a zero".

A grade that I would give this project is a B or a C and I would give it these grade because I tried hard but it isn't very good. I would give it a B because I worked hard and a C because it might break if you are not careful. It would break easily because I was rushing and I should of taken my time. One thing that is good is the color but the card board and the tape wasn't very good. One more reason why its a B is because even if it is bad I still turned it in and at least I didn't turn nothing in.

One thing I would like to improve upon is to pay more attention in class and work on my drawing. I would also like to not get distracted easily and not forget anything important. I also want to improve on my work and collaboration. I also want to pay attention when the teacher is telling us something important. One more thing is to do better work and to be smarter sometimes because I don't want to embarrass myself.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Project blog 08/31-09/06

Summary: The project was about how far a paper airplane would fly depending on the paper. The paper we used was card stock,printer,color,binder, and construction paper. The farthest was construction paper and that's what we predicted. We used the Scientific method for this project and our hypothesis was that the construction paper would fly the farthest. Our conclusion was that the construction paper flew the farthest.

The process we went through to get our conclusion is the Scientific method and the process isn't complicated. First is define question/problem,observation,hypothesis,experiment,gather data,confirm data. I think the most fun part is the experiment because you get to do an experiment and I don't know why but its fun.

What I found frustrating is that on the first day of working on it in class we didn't finish and I thought that I was going to get a bad grade. But the teacher gave the class another day and then we had another project that was due and it was a comic assignment and the due dates are just confusing. I think that I have had more frustrating moments before and as I get older I guess that I I'll have more frustrating problems.

A grade I would give this assignment is an A because it is good and I think that the hypothesis and conclusion is well written. I think that because it I did it with a team and I cooperated  with them. I think that it is an A because since there wasn't any arguing in the group I think that it is good.

One thing I would like to improve upon is helping to do work more in class because I don't think I did that much in the group. I would like to help more and be more useful in the group or in group projects. I would also like to be more open to the people I am working with or the people I am talking to.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Weekly blog 08/31-09/06

SP2: Developing and using models

Science often involves the construction and use of models and simulations to help develop explanations about natural phenomena. Models make it possible to go beyond things you observe and simulate a world not yet seen. Models enable predictions of the form “if…then… therefore” to be made in order to test hypothetical explanations.

Summary: Question,observation,hypothesis,experiment,research,gather data, verify data, communicate. This is the cycle of the scientific method because we did a worksheet on the scientific method. You need to identify the question/problem then you need to observe the problem/question. After you need to make a hypothesis and then you need to experiment. Then you research and after you gather data. Then you verify your data and communicate.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Scientific Method 0824-28

This image is the cycle of the scientific method.
The scientific method always starts with a question. There are many different orders in which it could be. The scientific method is a cycle that helps you figure out the answer to your question but the scientific method is also pretty hard and fun. I think the best part is when you do an experiment because its fun!

SP8: Obtain, evaluate and communicate information

This week I communicated with people in my group I was in while we were doing a work sheet. I Obtained more knowledge from class and I learned that I need to look at the back of work sheets and I learned about the scientific method.To learn about the scientific method I did a work sheet and I did a lot of work. I evaluated by learning and I have made mistakes so I learn from my mistakes.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Goals for 2015 - 2016

My goals for this year are to reach the highest rank of  wizard in science class because I want to prove I'm smart. I also want to get smarter in science and all my other classes. I also want to get good grades this year so I can pass.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Goals for 2015 - 2016

 Goals that I have this year and next year are to get better at math and get straight A's. I also hope that I have a good time at school and pay more attention to the teacher when he/she is talking. Another goal is to get better at typing with numbers and get better at spelling. I also wish to learn more about computers and learn more so I can get into a good collage. I also wish that someday I will open a restaurant when I am older and that I will be able to make delicious food for people. I also have a goal to get faster and to to be really good at sports. Another goal is to be healthy and live a good life with my family. I also want to turn my work in on time and without delay.

Friday, May 29, 2015

weekly blog 5/29/15

Scientific American in the article, Do dyes make some children hyperactive?, This article explains that some children get hyperactive after eating krafts mac and cheese because it has dyes . The main idea of this article is that some children get hyperactive after eating the dyes that are in krafts mac and cheese. The name of the dyes are Yellow No. 5 and  Yellow No. 6. 

In the beginning, the article talks about the dye and how kraft is going to change the dyes with natural food colorings. The Food and drug administration (FDA) is part of the government and its job is too make sure food is safe for people to eat. This means that if the FDA thinks that the dyes are bad for people to eat then they might say that people can't use it in foods.

The Scientific American states that Yellow No. 5 and 6 might be bad for children to eat.  To clarify if the food dyes are bad for children the FDA needs to further understand what it's made of. As I understand it, some children are more effected by dye yellow. No. 5 and 6 and some are not as effective.

Finally, the author concludes that krafts macoronni will change to natural food colors and that the FDA might shut down yellow food dye.

The author's purpose is to persuade people to cook with normal food coloring so that kids don't get side effects.


I didn't know much about this subject before because I never bothered to study it until I read the article and its acually interesting. Now I know that some dyes might be bad for certain people and that its better to have natural food coloring. The difference in what I knew before isn't very great because I only learned a small amount of food dyes.

I chose this article because it seemed interesting to me and when I read some of it I just got rapped up in the story. The facts are interesting and since I haven't read it before I don't know what it's going to say next and I just think it's a good article to read. One thing that isn't that interesting is the part when it explains that kraft is going to change their food dyes to natural coloring.

The information in this article can affect the future by persuading  people to use natural food coloring instead of food dyes that are not natural. Maybe in the future there is no dyes in food and everything is naturally colored. It would be healthier but the food might be a different color in the future and we would need to get used to what color the food is.

A possible expansion on the topic is that the author could tell people about what the dyes are made of and what it has in it. The author could also tell people about how long we have been using yellow No. 5 and 6 so we could know how long it will last. One more thing is that he could tell people about other food dyes that are put in different foods and what they have in them.


When I was surprised I was looking at the projector screen.
The surprise was that I was in Mr.P's class.
It was surprising because I thought I would be in a different class.
What this can tell me is that next time I can expect the unexpected.